Execution of definitive agreements in relation to the implementation of Samakhiyali Santalpur BOT Project – October 12, 2023
Home » Investor Relation » Announcement » Execution of definitive agreements in relation to the implementation of Samakhiyali Santalpur BOT Project – October 12, 2023
We have noticed that fake job offers in the name of IRB Infrastructure Developers Ltd. (IRBIDL) have been circulated by some unauthorized persons/fraudsters. Also, there might be an occasion where the emails ask the recipient to appear for an interview for a job opening with IRBIDL and to deposit a certain amount as a refundable interview security in a designated bank account
We wish to clarify that IRBIDL has not sent out any such emails. Please note that IRBIDL, as a policy, does not collect any money as a pre-employment requirement. IRBIDL and its affiliate companies bear no responsibility for amounts being deposited / withdrawn therefrom in response to such emails.